Early Childhood Care & Education Diploma

Early Childhood Care & Education Diploma (ECCED)

This course is designed to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide high-quality care and education to young children. The course covers various aspects of ECCE, including child development, curriculum design, teaching methods, and assessment. 

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the importance of early childhood education and the role of teachers in promoting child development.
  • Gain knowledge of different aspects of child development and common behavioral concerns in early childhood.
  • Develop strategies and engagement techniques for promoting development in different domains such as cognitive, physical, social, and emotional.
  • Learn about essential aspects and methods of preschool education and effective teaching and learning resources.
  • Gain an understanding of planning and evaluation in early childhood education.
  • Understand the importance of child health, hygiene, and nutrition and their impact on child development.
  • Learn about elementary principles of nutrition and health programs and hygiene in schools.

The ECCED Course

  • The ECCED course in Rahul International School is designed to meet international standards of quality and excellence and is aligned with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
  • Develop an understanding of the needs and rights of children with an emphasis on the socio-cultural context of early years
  • Understand the importance of various stages and developmental aspects of children from birth to six years of age
  • Be able to identify common childhood illness, take care of the sick, and apply preventive measures
  • Appreciate the healthy and nutritional needs of young children and become capable of evaluating a diet with respect to the need for an adequate diet
  • Become promising and efficient teachers, Centre Heads, educationists, or entrepreneurs.
  • Helps children to build their social skills, self-confidence, and emotional intelligence, which are essential for their overall well-being and success in life.
  • Includes age-appropriate assessments and evaluations to track a child’s progress and identify areas where they may need additional support or intervention.
  • Promotes a positive and inclusive learning environment that respects diversity and celebrates cultural differences.
  • Offer additional services such as parent-teacher meetings, parent workshops, and counseling services to support parents and families in their parenting journey.

Who Should Join?

  • Teachers, aspiring Teachers who wish to have a rewarding career in the pre-primary segment.
  • A childminder/guardian who wishes to impart appropriate education to their child during early years.
  • School Principals, Administrators who wish to run their schools effectively
  • Centre Co-ordinator for play-school, day-care, Playgroups, etc.
  • Aspiring trainers, Curriculum planners, and Course Coordinators in any training establishment.
  • Entrepreneur/prospective Entrepreneur who wishes to excel in the preschool sector business
Module 1
Contributions in Development of ECCE:
ECCE programs promote holistic development by focusing on physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth.
These programs provide a nurturing environment that fosters exploration and inquiry, encouraging children to develop a love for learning.
ECCE programs play an important role in developing foundational skills, such as literacy and numeracy, which are essential for academic success.
ECCE programs can also contribute to the development of positive attitudes and values, such as respect for diversity, empathy, and self-esteem.
Trends & Policies in ECCE:
There is growing recognition of the importance of ECCE in national policies and programs.
Governments and international organizations are investing in ECCE programs to improve access and quality, particularly for disadvantaged communities.
A trend towards a more holistic and child-centered approach to ECCE is emerging, with an emphasis on play-based learning and early childhood development.
There is a shift towards greater involvement of families and communities in ECCE programs, recognizing their critical role in supporting children’s development.
Child Rights:
Every child has the right to access quality ECCE programs that promote their overall development.
ECCE programs must be inclusive and respect the diversity of children’s backgrounds and needs.
Children have the right to participate in their own learning and development, and to have their views and opinions heard.
ECCE programs must prioritize the safety and well-being of children, ensuring that they are protected from harm and neglect.
Overall, ECCE is a crucial component of education and development, and it is important to recognize its contributions, trends, policies, and child rights considerations. At RIS, we strive to provide a safe and nurturing environment for our young learners, supporting their holistic development and preparing them for a lifetime of learning.
Module 2
Overview of Child Development:
Child development refers to the biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional changes that occur in children from birth to adolescence.
It is a continuous and ongoing process that is shaped by a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, and experiences.
Child development can be divided into different stages, each with its own set of developmental milestones and challenges.
Different Aspects of Child Development:
Biological development refers to changes in the body, such as growth in height and weight, and the development of motor skills.
Cognitive development refers to changes in thinking, memory, and problem-solving skills.
Socio-emotional development refers to changes in social skills, emotional regulation, and the ability to form and maintain relationships.
Common Behavioral Concerns in Early Childhood:
Many children experience behavioral concerns at some point in their early childhood years, such as tantrums, aggression, and separation anxiety.
These behaviors are often a normal part of development and can be attributed to factors such as the child’s temperament, age, and stage of development.
However, persistent or extreme behavioral concerns may be a sign of an underlying issue, such as a developmental disorder or mental health concern.
Early intervention and support can be critical in addressing these concerns and promoting healthy development.
At RIS, we recognize the importance of understanding child development and providing support for children and families to ensure their well-being and success. Our experienced educators and counselors work closely with families to identify and address any behavioral concerns, providing individualized support and resources as needed.
Module 3
Essential Aspects and Methods of Pre-School Education:
Pre-school education plays a critical role in laying the foundation for lifelong learning and development.
Essential aspects of pre-school education include promoting children’s holistic development, providing a safe and nurturing environment, and fostering a love of learning.
Effective pre-school education methods include play-based learning, inquiry-based learning, and child-centered approaches that emphasize children’s interests and abilities.
Engagement and Strategies for Development in Different Domains, Teaching and Learning Resources:
Pre-school education should engage children in a variety of activities and experiences that promote their development in different domains, including physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development.
Strategies for promoting development in these domains include providing opportunities for exploration, experimentation, and problem-solving, as well as fostering positive relationships and communication skills.
Teaching and learning resources for pre-school education should be developmentally appropriate, culturally relevant, and engaging for children, including books, games, toys, and technology.
Planning and Evaluation:
Effective pre-school education requires careful planning and evaluation to ensure that goals are met and children’s needs are addressed.
Planning should be guided by an understanding of children’s developmental needs and interests, as well as the goals of the pre-school education program.
Evaluation should include ongoing monitoring of children’s progress and program effectiveness, as well as periodic assessments of children’s development and learning outcomes.
Module 4
Child Health:
The health of a child is of utmost importance as it can affect their overall development and growth.
It is important to ensure that children receive regular check-ups, vaccinations, and necessary medical treatment to maintain good health.
Prevention of illnesses through healthy lifestyle habits, such as proper nutrition, exercise, and adequate sleep, is also essential.
Good hygiene practices are important for preventing the spread of diseases and maintaining good health.
Regular hand washing, maintaining a clean environment, and proper disposal of waste are important hygiene practices that should be taught to children.
Proper nutrition is important for healthy growth and development in children.
Children need a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrients, such as protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals, to support their physical, cognitive, and emotional development.
It is important to ensure that children have access to healthy and nutritious food choices at home and at school.
Elementary Principles of Nutrition:
Understanding the basic principles of nutrition is essential for promoting healthy eating habits in children.
The five food groups, including fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy, should be included in a child’s daily diet in appropriate proportions.
Proper portion sizes and frequency of meals should also be considered when planning a child’s diet.
Health Programme and Hygiene in the School:
Schools can play a critical role in promoting good health and hygiene practices among children.
Health programs and initiatives, such as health screenings, health education, and promotion of healthy lifestyle habits, can be implemented in schools to support children’s health and well-being.
Proper hygiene practices, such as hand washing, maintaining a clean environment, and proper disposal of waste, should also be taught and encouraged in schools to prevent the spread of diseases.
Module 5
Concept of Administration:
Administration refers to the process of managing and organizing resources to achieve specific goals and objectives.
In educational institutions, administration plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth functioning of the school and providing a supportive environment for teaching and learning.
Effective administration involves planning, organizing, directing, and controlling resources, such as human resources, finances, and facilities, to achieve the goals of the institution.
Materials and Safety:
Providing a safe and secure learning environment is essential for the well-being of students and staff in educational institutions.
Proper safety measures and protocols should be in place to prevent accidents, injuries, and emergencies.
Schools should also ensure that the materials and equipment used in teaching and learning are safe, appropriate, and well-maintained.
Regular safety checks and inspections should be conducted to identify and address any potential safety hazards.

At RIS, we place a high priority on effective administration and safety measures. Our administrative team works closely with our teachers and staff to ensure that our resources are effectively managed and utilized to support teaching and learning. We have also implemented safety protocols and measures to ensure the safety and well-being of our students and staff. Our materials and equipment are regularly inspected and maintained to ensure that they are safe, appropriate, and supportive of learning. We strive to provide a safe and secure learning environment for all our students and staff at RIS.

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    Certificate of Registration for Rahul International School registered as Cambridge early year center