Today, the pandemic has brought forth that e-Learning is the need of the world. In this, the digital era, many sectors, departments, industry, regions, and countries are following the e-Learning concept for education, training and evaluation purposes. In my opinion, e-Learning is not just an electronic transfer of content; it is a different way of...Read More
The idea of adventure or fun in learning can be difficult to understand for many. This is because we generally have a notion that learning and entertainment are two poles apart. But that is not the truth. They both can overlap with one another and indeed bring out the best outcome in learners. Not convinced?...Read More
Would teachers, busy as they are, also benefit from blogging? Should every teacher engage in blogging and build her/his own teacher-centred blog? Absolutely! Moreover, here is the why part: Teachers can Share their successful projects, ideas, resources, etc. Think of those brief, on-the-go encounters with fellow teachers by a microwave or coffee machine. Don’t they often turn into...Read More
Brain development is at its peak in the first 5years of developing age. This pandemic should not hamper the learning of the next generation citizens, so we need to encourage the home school learning activities as a must for all parents and teachers. Blended learning aims to develop the socio-emotional connect in the learners during...Read More
If you desire to make a difference in the world, you must be different from the world.” Elaine S. Dalton Create a difference… Change a Life. We all desire for change in our lives but we fail to create a difference. It is never I who can create a difference but together we can create...Read More
New technologies are continuing to make their way into our classrooms. It is evident that this is transforming how we design the learning space, the role of technology, the role of the learners and also the other centrepiece of education, ‘educators’. My recent experience of online discussions shows that the changing role of the educator...Read More
Learning could be said to be permanent when individuals learn in environments similar to real-life situations or when they learn by actual application and experience. Today, it is evident that both activities that lead to learning by actual application and experiencing in instructional processes and learning processes associated with real-life situations can be organized effectively...Read More
The establishment of an effective education system is essential to the long-term development of a nation. Over the past century, the modes of both imparting and receiving education have undergone a paradigm shift. The evolution of education has become more important than ever. The creation of the internet has had an immense impact on the...Read More
Ready steady move… The pandemic has brought the entire teaching world to an edge where they had to evolve and survive. They have to learn, unlearn many ways in teaching and learning. The trend for online teaching is here to stay as it is flexible and adaptable for the learner as well as the facilitator. It optimises the process of teaching, learning, assessment...Read More
I often thought that alphabets were used for writing words, but there it comes that each alphabet denotes a meaning, the so-called GENERATION –Z. Being a 1980 model, it seems difficult for handling Generation Z. If they are Z who am I? Generation A, B, or Y? Well they remain the same but we can...Read More