A teacher is a planner, an information provider, an assessor, a resource developer, a facilitator, course organizer, curriculum evaluator, mentor, tutor, personal adviser & a role model for his students. A teacher has to perform a very pious duty. They have to lead a very virtuous life. A light mistake on their part may cause a perfect ruin of the students they teach. They are expected to abandon all evils....Read More
Technology nowadays has entered into every walk of life. In this era of technology, the digital revolution has transformed almost everything from our work at our organizations to our daily routines. It is transforming the way children and young people play, access information, communicate with each other, learn, relearn and unlearn. But now this revolution has profoundly entered in the Education sector and has transformed from traditional ways of learning...Read More
How comfortable are we in our own clothes; whether it is in a sari or jeans? It is easy to express the comfort feeling or the discomfort feeling by a woman but does the same feeling happen to a man who is asked to wear a sari or jeans. Difficult to say as there may be mixed expressions. We are in a society and an era where there is a cultural...Read More
It is well established that teacher quality has a direct positive impact on student achievement. Teachers are increasingly expected to employ integrated technology practices in their classrooms to help students learn better. This need is exacerbated by the recent COVID-19 pandemic forcefully migrating the physical learning environment to a virtual space. Furthermore, teachers act as planners, initiators, climate builders, facilitators and guides and are central to interpreting and implementing any...Read More